#908: 60L Wabi-Kusa River bank

Jeremias Pohl Sonnefeld, Germany


Like the mix of driftwood and rocks. The large Cyperus helferi would look better on the other side of the wood and the smaller rocks looks to be a different type and color than the larger rocks.
— Jo Ann Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 30 cm
Title River bank
Volume 60L
Background White poster behind the aquarium
Lighting Chihiros A Series
Filtration None
Plants Cyperus helferi, Cryptocoryne 'Florida sunset', Christmas moss, Peacock moss, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Bolbitis heteroclita difformis
Animals None
Materials River pebbles, Driftwood, ADA Aqua Gravel L+S, ADA Colorado Sand
Additional Information My inspiration for this scape was a river i played in when i was a kid. The main focus was to use round stones in different sizes in combination with grass like plants. The driftwood was added because parts of the river are inside a forest where big branches fall into the water and get washed away until they get entangled somewhere.

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