Dimensions 60 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Dragon Breath Reborn
Volume 53.9L
Background White Cardboard
Lighting Led 30W
Filtration Canister 900 lph+ skimmer surface
Plants Anubias nana,
Anubia nana pangolino,
Eleocharis parvula mini
Eriocaulon Dong Ha
Hemianthus callitrichoides,
Micranthemum Montecarlo,
Rotala Green,
Rotala Orange,
Rotala Yao Yai
Staurogyne Repens
Animals Paracheirodon simulans
Materials Dragon Stone
The stones meet in the center exactly in the middle of the picture. Normally this would be a criticism but here it fits quite well. The structure of the stones is so varied that this extreme symmetry is not negatively noticeable. The use of the reflection side glasses has also worked well and helps to shift the center.
An extraordinarily successful planting ensures a beautiful color palette and mood.
Congratulations for me this layout is the best in the 28 - 55 liter category!
So simple and so beautiful.
The layout gets our attention because the power lines are so well distributed. Good shadows details and perspective. The reflections are okay but could be a little bit better mainly on the right side.
The dynamism presented in the foreground is very important to give a good perspective and depth to the entire layout.
The only point that bothers me a little is the symmetry between the two main elements... they are too similar and at the same height a fact that reduces the importance of the main formation on the right.
But anyway it is a awesome job that deserves my applause!!!
Congratulations you rock!!!