Dimensions 62 × 36 × 36 cm
Title Au revoir
Volume 80.3L
Background blue paint
Lighting Chihiros WRGB 60
Filtration eheim 2211
Plants Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Bolbitis heteroclita difformis, polypodium formosanum, Adiantum Raddianum,, Anubias nana bonsai, Hydrocotyle tripartita mini, Bucephalandra spec. Wavy Leaf, Platyhypnidium riparioides, Fissidens sp. "Miroshaki", Biophytum sensitivum, Selaginella Uncinata, Lepanthes insectiflora, Peperomia rubella
Animals Betta plakat koi
Materials AquaRIO Neo Soil, JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral, slate, cistus wood
Additional Information Inspired by waterfall stream
The planting is very well-planned giving a great sense of flow from the "river banks" down into the waters below which reward the viewer with even more thoughtful hardscape leading back into the distance. While some mosses suffer in the foreground with unhealthy foliage present in some species the paludarium provides well-developed emergent growth to establish age.
I believe this paludarium would be even more successful without the stocking of Betta splendens which dwarfs the scale of this scape. Smaller shoaling species would easily enhance the scale and make such a paludarium appear massive considering its size. Nevertheless the Betta splendens does contrast very well to the warmer tones of the hardscape becoming a pleasing focus.
This is a beautiful paludarium showcasing careful planting beautiful concepts and clever techniques. Well-done.