Dimensions 80 × 30 × 40 cm
Title Rio Urubaxi, Rio Negro tributary, Amazonas state, Brazil
Volume 96L
Background The back background is molded in expandable foam, all covered with fibers
of dry coconut and with several tree roots, in order to look like we are looking at the
river bank, providing a different perspective. I also added some
portions of moss and filamentous algae, making the environment more welcoming for fish,
constantly swimming through the roots. At the top I planted some ferns, which are
rising to the surface and casting its roots into the water.
Lighting The lighting is composed of three spots of Stella LED lamps, par 20, angle of
25º aperture, directional, cool white 6500K, with 5.5W each, totaling 1,650 lumens and
4,050cd luminous intensity.
Filtration The filtration system is made by a Jebo brand canister with a capacity of 900 l/h
with two liters of Oceantech ceramic media and mechanical filtration blanket.
Plants Nephrolepis exaltata
Pistia stratiotes
Salvinia auriculata
Animals 47 Paracheirodon axelrodi
6 Hemigrammus bleheri
Materials Substrate composed of 8 kg of light beige river sand, fine granulometry, in addition to
many botanical elements such as buriti seeds and bark, a typical tree in the region
amaziana, a small dry coconut husk, coconut husk fiber and many tree leaves
dried fruit trees, simulating what we see in underwater images of Amazonian streams.
All this organic matter releases a lot of tannin, leaving the water naturally dark, in addition to
to lower the PH, keeping it around 5,5.
Composing the aquatic habitat, a large trunk as if it were one of the countless
trees that spend part of the year partially submerged during the rainy season
and floating plants typical of the Amazonian rivers, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia
Additional Information The cardinal neon is the symbol fish of the rivers and black water streams of the Rio Basin
Black, impossible to think of a biotope blackwater aquarium and not think of Paracheirodon
axelrodi. The Urubaxi River, located in the middle Rio Negro, municipality of Santa Izabel do Rio Negro,
is one of the main capture points. The biotope project was designed to recreate the
underwater landscape of the river, from the perspective of a diver facing one of the
banks, looking at the river bank, with its roots and trunks exposed, part of the forest
flooded, responsible for the large amount of organic matter present in its waters,
dyeing them black, which further highlights the colors and iridescence of the neons. a background
composed of coconut fiber and roots, lots of leaves and seeds at the bottom and a big trunk,
plus aquatic plants and ferns growing on the shore make up the neon habitat
cardinal and other species, such as Hemigrammus bleheri, also present in this project.
Maintenance is performed periodically, with TPAs of 20% and canister cleaning
monthly, as the large amount of tannins present in the water heavily pollutes the mechanical filtering element. Parameters are measured and adjusted weekly if necessary. O
The same care is given to the replacement water from evaporation and TPAs, which is already maintained
with some leaves so that it has physicochemical characteristics as close as possible to the water
that of the aquarium. The animals are fed once a day, preferably with flocked feed.
specific for tetras, varying sometimes with garlic or spirulina based.
The plants are not very demanding, only a control is made in the growth
so that they do not occupy a very large area of the surface, as they have a rate of
very fast playback. The filamentous algae present in the roots also have to be
controlled to prevent them from spreading uncontrollably.
Umberto de Menezes Santos et all
2. The Fishery, Diversity, and Conservation of Ornamental Fishes in the Rio Negro Basin, Brazil - A review of Project Piaba (1989-99).
3. Florestas do Rio Negro. Alexandre Adalardo de Oliveira at all.
4. Rio Urubaxi - Um pedaço da Amazônia. Emerson Souza Santos