#347: 79.8L Paludarium

younghun Cho Gwangju, South Korea


I really REALLY like your hardscape and the beautiful well grown-in thoughtfully chosen plants on it. The flow down into your water section is lovely as is your use of plant in the water section. A better choice of background might have set it off to better effect.
— Karen Randall
This paludarium presents an interesting variety of plants both terrestrial and aquatic creating a density of textures and colors. As a whole the display does feel as if it lacks integration especially in the emersed growth.

Harmony appears more present in the submerged portion of this paludarium where grasses intermingle with mosses creating a single homogenous texture.

The transition from land to water is abruptly sudden with little to no transitionary elements like emergent aquatic species that lead the viewer down into the waters below.

Overall this paludarium provides a great array of color but perhaps suffers from too wide of a selection of species. Great work nevertheless.
— Jack McCarley

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 38 cm
Volume 79.8L

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