#459: 90L Paludarium 野林

梁健聪 肇庆市, China


Inadequate development of plants in the water area.
— Karen Randall
An impressive display with a brilliant sense of flow. The hardscape alone is incredibly dynamic speaking to the craft of the creator. Healthy moss and emersed species show a quality of care this paludarium was created with.

The display flows from tall peaks completely filling the frame plunging down into dark waters that provide an unfortunately sparse submerged portion. While transitional flow from the land to the water is present the flora that inhabits the submerged region is simply sparse and in questionable health.

The addition of orange background lighting to the submerged portion adds visual intrigue but fights with the bright purple of the terrestrial background drawing more of the viewers attention.

The long-term viability of the carnivores you've selected is questionable as overwintering would likely require removal from the paludarium.

In all this paludarium is beautiful. I commend your great skill in developing hardscape and growing emergent and terrestrial species. Well done.
— Jack McCarley

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 40 × 38 cm
Title 野林
Volume 90L
Background 泡沫结构
Lighting LED
Filtration 潜水泵302S
Plants 多种苔藓、瓶子草、捕虫草、小叶霹雳、婴儿泪、天湖葵、爬地珍珠、辣椒榕野株、水榕、厄瓜多尔藤、小型蕨、圆叶丝苇、红网纹草、绿网纹草、红毛丹浮萍
Animals 红鼻剪刀
Materials 杜鹃根、发泡胶、混合溪流沙

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