#399: 568.5L Biotope Aquascape Upper Potomac River near the mouth of Seneca Creek
Nick Kinser Fairfax, Maryland, United States
Awards and Comments
I really like the deep gloomy feel of this tank. I feel like I am swimming along the river bottom. There is a real sense of depth and no feel of being “in an aquarium”! besides I have always had a soft spot for “sunnies”.
— Karen Randall
Love this setup! It reminds me of the phrase "less is more". The lighting rays effect make the biotope look sublime. Brings me back to my many summers swimming with sunfish in the east coast freshwater streams and ponds!
— Ivan Mikolji
This is authentic looking. l like the colour contrast of materials and light effects here but this tank not enough natural and realistic.
— Mert Aykuta
Aquascape Details
Dimensions 183 × 46 × 74 cm
Title Upper Potomac River near the mouth of Seneca Creek