#526: 359.9L Aquatic Garden 寂静

王天池 吉林省松原市, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
This is a really nice and impactful aquarium. On the other hand when a judge has some "deja vu" feelings points must be deducted because of lack of originality.
— Juan Puchades Rufino

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title 寂静
Volume 359.9L
Background Led background panel
Lighting ADA solar rgb Two
Filtration NETLEA Filter bucket
Plants Coral Mosse, Mini Moss, Mini Banyan, Chili Banyan, Red Palace, Green Palace, cranberry, Paddy Pearl, Spoon Ping, Cactus, cow hair powder, forked column flower
Animals BLACK-TAILED BIG HOOK fish、Black shell shrimp
Materials Sunken Wood, purple teak, volcanic stone, make-up sand、
Water grass mud

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