Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Vitality
Volume 360L
Lighting full spectrum led
Filtration eheim 600*2
Plants Fissdens grandifrons bndvar planicaulis,Riccardia chamedryfolia,:Ranunculus papulentus,Bleocharis sp,Microsorium pteropus(Bl.),:Anubias nana ''mini'',Lomariopsis lineata,Vesicularia ferriei,Staurogyne concinnula (Hance) Kuntze,Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba',Rotala rotundifoliavar. gontin 。
Animals Hyphessobrycon amandae 20,Moenkhausia costae 30.
Materials drift wood, black volcanic rock
The foreground looks too close everything is big but on other hand in the background mostly the path is too small. This would be desirable if there wasn't a lack of the middle plane. The transition from "very close" to "very far" was too abrupt.
The foreground looks tight too.
Even with these observations it's an awesome work that deserves my congratulations!!!