#567: 73L Paludarium Living Roots

Rafal Suchecki Barnsley, United Kingdom

Awards and Comments

Top Five
An impressive paludarium with impactful hardscape that leads the eye across this highly linear display. The viewer is carried up and down an incredibly lush moss wall but greeted with a yellowing foliage in the upper portion of the layout.

Impressively-grown ferns surround the hardscape providing a sense of age as well as the ivies that encrust the roots that dive into the waters below.

A beautiful paludarium.
— Jack McCarley
I like that your hardscape and planting flows seamlessly from the land to water portions and that you have done your work to choose plants that will grow successfully in the water area of your paludarium even though the light level is low there. Nice job! (One VERY small nit... next time remove the filter tube for your photo shoot if possible!)
— Karen Randall
Incredible work on seamlessly integrating the land and water areas! The land area is beautifully laid out and has an interesting variety of texture. The water area could benefit from smaller species of Buces/Anubias as it feels a little flat and lacking depth.
— Alex Vella

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 36 × 29 × 70 cm
Title Living Roots
Volume 73L
Background Foamed pads covered by moss and other plants.
Lighting Chihiros A361 - Pendant
Filtration Sun-Sun HW-603
Plants Begonia tamaya
Bucephalandra sp.
Dicksonia sp.
Ficus pumila
Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Masdevallia herradurae
Monstera standleyana
Pilea glaucophylla
Pilea mollis
Salvinia natans
Selaginella martensii
Tillandsia sp.
Vesicularia dubyana
Animals 6x Epiplatys annulatus
Materials ADA La Plata Sand, Dragon Stones, Redmoor wood
Additional Information Open paludarium create natural look and space.

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