Dimensions 60 × 37 × 40 cm
Title Breath of the wild
Volume 88L
Background white board
Lighting chihiros wrgb 2 60 cm with 10 hours photoperiod
Filtration Atman 3336s (filter media: vivaria purity, vivaria bioball, bioring, biofoam)
Plants Micranthemun tweediei/ montecarlo
Hemianthus micranthemoides/ baby tears
Eleocharis acicularis
Staurogyn repens
Bolbitis heudelotii
Bolbitis heteroclyta
Eriocaulon sp vietnam
Rotala h'ra
Hidrocotyle tripartita
Anubias nana
Anubias petite tropica
Weeping moss tropica
Animals 25 Red cherry shrimp
2 Emperor tetra
5 Cardinal tetra
3 Rasbora galaxy
5 Amandae tetra
3 Cherry barb
5 Bumblebee horn snail
Materials Substrate: Pumice, ADA Bacter 100, ADA Tourmaline BC, ADA Clear Super, Sanada base fertilizer, Amazonia Soil, Master Soil, Natural cosmetic sand
Hardscape: Kisireum wood, Kreket stone