#625: 7.8L Wabi-Kusa Floating island

Evgeniya Moiseeva Moscow, Russian Federation


An impressive arrangement of well-grown emersed plants. The decision to use H. tripartita was a good one providing a linearity from the emergent to the submerged.

Some humidity damage is present at the tips of your Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' a species that benefits from generous misting. That said the planting arrangement is attractive and well-composed displaying great skill.
— Jack McCarley
The offset look with the wood looks good however I would have made the third wood a little higher or one of the two on the right a little shorter to make the arrangement more interesting.
— JoAnn Fujii
Very clean pretty Wabi Kusa. It has all the right basic pieces it just needs a bit of excitement! More interesting wood might help. The two pieces are so similar and placed right side by side. See if you can find something with a bit more character.
— Karen Randall
Nice use of hardscape to design your layout. The plants look to be healthy and thriving however the Hydrocotyle needs to be trained a bit to help its growth pattern. Nice job.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 20 × 13 cm
Title Floating island
Volume 7.8L
Lighting SunSun ADE 300C
Filtration None
Plants Moss sp., Staurogyne depend, Alternanthera Reineckii mini, rotala indica, hydrocotyle tripartita, limnophila aromatica, ludwigia glandulosa, hygrophila polysperma Rosanervig, phyllanthus fluitans, salvinia natans
Materials PRODIBIO aqua soil, beige sand, wood

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