Dimensions 20 × 20 × 2 cm
Title RAMÉ
Volume 0.6L
Background Bola de sustrato cubierta de musgo en cuenco de cerámica.
Lighting Alterna luz solar y lámpara Led de 12 watts 6500 K durante 9 horas.
Filtration Cambio de agua cada 15 días.
Plants H. Tripartita. Lobelia. Anubia Nana Petit. Musgo Christmass y java. Hygrophila Pinnatifida. Staurogyne repens. Ludwigia Palustris. Ludwigia repens. Alternathera reinicki. Hidrocotyle tripartita mini.
Animals No
Materials Maderas apoyadas sobre rocas, de origen nacional.
Some plants appear to be thriving growing vertically like the L. palustris for example. Though others appear twisted like Anubias nana 'Petite' - or very pale like the Alternanthera reineckii and Hydrocotyle sp.
I question if such a wabi kusa would be more successful with fewer plant varieties. The hardscape is compelling as is the ceramic that the wabi kusa sits in.
Overall a pleasant wabi kusa in a beautiful setting.