#641: 0.6L Wabi-Kusa RAMÉ

López Sebastián Javier pergamino, Argentina


Interesting mix of plants but they might look a little nutrient deficient?
— JoAnn Fujii
This wabi kusa features a wide range of plants giving the display a great sense of texture and visual interest.

Some plants appear to be thriving growing vertically like the L. palustris for example. Though others appear twisted like Anubias nana 'Petite' - or very pale like the Alternanthera reineckii and Hydrocotyle sp.

I question if such a wabi kusa would be more successful with fewer plant varieties. The hardscape is compelling as is the ceramic that the wabi kusa sits in.

Overall a pleasant wabi kusa in a beautiful setting.
— Jack McCarley

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 20 × 20 × 2 cm
Title RAMÉ
Volume 0.6L
Background Bola de sustrato cubierta de musgo en cuenco de cerámica.
Lighting Alterna luz solar y lámpara Led de 12 watts 6500 K durante 9 horas.
Filtration Cambio de agua cada 15 días.
Plants H. Tripartita. Lobelia. Anubia Nana Petit. Musgo Christmass y java. Hygrophila Pinnatifida. Staurogyne repens. Ludwigia Palustris. Ludwigia repens. Alternathera reinicki. Hidrocotyle tripartita mini.
Animals No
Materials Maderas apoyadas sobre rocas, de origen nacional.

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