Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Sleeping forest
Volume 27L
Lighting 2 x tetra led 380
Filtration Tetratex ex400
Plants Potamogeton Gaiy, Ludvigia arcuata, Rotala colorata, Microsorum mini, Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba, Cryptocorine parva, Calicostella pakuranji/prabaktiana, Flame moss
Animals 8 oryzias woworae, 2 pseudomugil gertrude
Materials red moor, mopani
I see a lot of shadow and drama here given such a small format.
The reflections of the side windows have been used well so that the narrowness is not so noticeable.
A very courageous work and your courage should be rewarded!
The flow and dynamism of the montage are clearly noticeable and move from the background to the front of the layout.
The white sand further accentuated the notion of perspective and depth and certainly the great slope of the substrate helped even more in this pleasant sensation.
One of the few sins of this montage was hiding too much the "Amano void" in the left at golden ratio. If some plants had been more pruned this aquarium would be much more natural and attractive.
Congratulations what a great montage!