Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Forgotten world
Volume 27L
Background Transparent foil
Lighting Chihiros WRGB II 30 cm LED light
Filtration JBL Cristal Profi e401 GL
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia, Fissidens fontanus, Weeping Moss, Rotala wallichii, Rotala H'Ra, Flame moss, Bucephalandra mini, Cryptocoryne parva, Marsilea crenata
Animals 4 Boraras brigittae, 20+ Red cherry shrimp
Materials ADA Amazonia, ADA Powersand S, unknown type of stone, local wood and twigs
The hardscape is very dark and contrasts nicely with the light background. I think it's good that the planting is kept rather airy otherwise it would probably be too dense and overwhelming.
Very beautiful!
It is difficult to create dynamism and interesting flow in a cube-shaped aquarium. We usually have a compartmentalized and monotonous work but not in this case.
Great sense of depth perspective and an aesthetic approach that made the most of the space and managed to create a natural and very wide atmosphere.
Maybe the thickness of the main driftwood could be a little thinner but nothing that discredits this beautiful work!
Congratulations I want one of these in my living room.