Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Volume 180L
Background White Vinyl sticker
Lighting LED light
Filtration Canister
Plants 1. Hemianthus micranthemoides, 2. Cryptocoryne spirals, 3. Hygrohphila polysperma, 4. Rotala rotundofolia Hi Red, 5. Hygrophila difformis, 6. Rotala rotundofolia pink, 7. Ludwigia repens rubin, 8. Lobelia cardinalis, 9. Nymphoides hydrophylla, 10. Alternanthera reineckii mini, 11. Hygrophila serpyllum, 12. Rotala sp bangladesh, 13. Vallisneria, 14. Myriophyllum mattogrossense, 15. Blyxa japonica
Animals Cardinal tetra-15, Ottocuinclus affinis-04, Endler Guppy-08
Materials N/A
This is jungle style. It's not a true Dutch tank.
It would be a great tank if it had 5 fewer species a major trim and focused on contrast between plant groups with a little space between groups.
More scoping tips here: https://www.aquatic-gardeners.org/Articles/Vin-Dutch/