#701: 2.8L Wabi-Kusa Swamp air putih lamo

Agus Effendi Bengkulu, Indonesia


A well-executed display with an impressive assortment of species growing emergent.

Pogostemon stellata commands attention from the viewer at the peak of a hill comprised of carpeting species all in brilliant health. Ludwigia repens does appear pale however.

The hardscape of this display works very well for the scape.

Well done.
— Jack McCarley
This is such a pretty Wabi Kusa. I love the shape I love the use of plants and wood. The plants are healthy and beautifully grown and trimmed. It is just such a shame that the water area is so dirty. Picture this SAME Wabi Kusa in crystal clear water! How beautiful would that be?!? If you cannot maintain beautiful clear water you are better off using an opaque vessel that does not show that the water is dirty!!!
— Karen Randall
The scale and variety of the plants was done well. The HC cuba cascading is a nice touch along with the floaters.
— JoAnn Fujii
Beautiful lush design and good use of plants with different colors and textures. Well done!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 19 × 19 × 8 cm
Title Swamp air putih lamo
Volume 2.8L
Background Background light kandila
Lighting Vivaria
Filtration Waterchange 2 time a week
Plants Pogostemon stellata
Hemiantus calitrichoides cuba
Althernanthera reineckii
Rotalla sp red
Hydocotyl tripartita
Ludwigia repens
Lismacia golden
Myriophilum verticilatum
Animals N/A
Materials Rentek and sands stone

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