#457: 3.2L Wabi-Kusa 暗香

Beibei Zhang NANJING, China


A densely grown arrangement displaying a wide array of plant species.

It immediately becomes clear that some plants are growing very well whilst others suffer like the heat-damaged Pogostemons or dried and dead leaves of Ludwigia varieties that spill over the side of the container.

Live below the surface is dark and untamed. I would encourage more frequent maintenance below the surface as cyanobacteria appears present.

The driftwood is incorporated well which plants drape over in an attractive gesture. This plant arrangement has great potential with careful husbandry.
— Jack McCarley
I love the light graceful natural growth and the use varying colors and textures. I wish you had done a bit better keeping the water area cleaned up. It would have put the extra sparkle on this lovely display!
— Karen Randall
While I found this an interesting "wild" look I thought the wood would have made a better impact if it was seen and some of the plants trimmed back.
— JoAnn Fujii
Lush and healthy growth of your aquascape. A few more of the red plant which I believe is Ludwigia of some kind would be great to see. Also loved seeing the delicate flower from the plant.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 20 × 20 × 8 cm
Title 暗香
Volume 3.2L
Lighting ONF led light
Plants 小红莓,印度大松尾,红水廖,南美小百叶,天胡荽,红宫廷,日本雪花羽毛
Animals 黑壳虾5
Materials drift wood, black volcanics stones

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