Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Pushing P
Volume 350L
Background t5 lighting
Lighting 4* 54W T5HO lighting
Filtration Undergravel Filtration, 2 powerheads, protein skimmer
Plants Bylaxxa Japonica, Hydrocotyle tripartita mini, Microsorum pteropus Windelov, Eleocharisparvula, Utricularia Graminifolia, Rotala rotundifolia green, Rotala rotundifolia pink, Rotala SpHra, Riccardia Chamedryfolia, Eriocaulon sp, Bolboltis heudelotii Rhizomatous, Buce sp, Limnophilia sessiliflora sp, Hygrophilia polysperma 'rosenervig',
Animals White Cloud Mountain minnow, Amano Shrimps, Dwarf plecos
Materials ADA sand, ADA river pebbles, Driftwood
Additional Information I have enclosed a few other mood lighting for the same design. Perfect for different times of the day/night!
Image taken with an Iphone