Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Planettastic
Volume 300L
Background Black steaker
Lighting chihiros wrgb 2 slim 120cm
Filtration jbl cristalprofi e1502 greenline
Plants Aponogeton madagascariensis
rotala colorata
rotala green
rotala sunset
ludwigia tornado
ludwigia sp red
palustris cuba
Myriophyllum tuberculatum
Cabomba caroliniana
pogostemon erectus
Monte carlo
lobelia cardinalis
Animals Rummy nose tetra
Rasbora galaxy
Rasbora strawberry
Rasbora harlequin
Tetra neon
Otocinclus catfish
Amano shrimp
There is an imbalance in the design of this aquarium.
The color green of the plant groups at the back left blend into each other while on the far right the planting is too sparse.
The water is not clear.
The red plant groups in the middle and to the right at the back also blend into each other in color.
Aponogeton madagascariensis is a plant that should be placed prominently as a solitary on 1/3 of the aquarium and not hidden behind a group of plants. on that spot it would also have a depth-suggesting effect.
I miss the information about the number of fish per species. Maybe one species less and numbers of at least 10-12 per species. Also a species on the surface.
The technology could/should be better hidden.