#115: 60L Aquatic Garden Beach Forest

Robertus Hartono Singapore, Singapore


A very attractive island composition that looks immaculately well-maintained. I think the 'Windlelov' Java fern dominates a little too much and the layout could benefit from some extra height possible from some longer pieces of wood. Other than that it is excellent. Well done!
— George Farmer
Beautiful design impeccably executed. Just lovely!
— Karen Randall
A satisfying take on the "isolated island" layout.
The well placed groupings of hairgrass and small rocks anchor the "island" nicely.
This aquascape would have benefitted from a distinctve well developed focal point.
— Bob Vivian

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Beach Forest
Volume 60L
Lighting 55W PL 6500K
Filtration Eheim 2215
Plants (1) Microsorium pteropus 'Windelove',
(2) Microsorium pteropus 'Needle',
(3) Anubias barteri var nana 'Petite',
(4) Eleocharis parvula,
(5) Fissidens fontanus (US Fissidens),
(6) Taxiphyllum sp. (Spiky moss)
Animals 15 Trigonostigma espei, 5 Caridina multidentata
Materials Europet fine riversand, Granite rocks

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