#196: 60L Aquatic Garden Patchwork

Samuel Bouziat Marcilly en Villette, France


A bold Dutch-style influence that works well due to the clever fine textured plant choice in such a small tank. I'm not too sure on the visible patch of substrate though - I don't think it adds anything to the design. Overall though great work!
— George Farmer
Lovely tank with a lot going on. I wish the central valley was not quite so close to the middle of the tank.
— Karen Randall
A healthy tank with a nice balance of color and leaf shape.
— Bob Vivian

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 35 cm
Title Patchwork
Volume 60L
Lighting 3*18W
2 Osram biolux (6500K) + 1 Sylvania aquastar (10000K)
Filtration Eden 501 (300L/H)
Plants 1 - Utricularia gramminifolia
2 - Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
3 - Blyxa japonica
4 - Hemianthus micranthemoides
5 - Pogostemon helferi
6 - Potamogeton gayi
7 - Rotala indica
8 - Rotala nanjenshan
9 - Ludwigia arcuata
10 - Rotala sp. Green
11 - Rotala rotundifolia

Animals - 20 Bororas maculatus
- 6 Corydoras pygmaeus
- 5 Otocinclus affinis

-50 Neocaridina heteropoda (red cherry)
Additional Information Substrate : Tropica aquacare + Seachem Flourite

Fertilizatin : Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, Flourish Potassium, ECA, Green Gain, Phyton Git, Green Bacter

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