#121: 300L Paludarium My dreaming paradise

Siu Yui-chi shatin, Hong Kong


The above water planting is superb. However the aquarium is too deep to give an effective balance.
— George Farmer
This tank is sort of half way between the in-tank paludarium-type set-ups and ones that are simply aquariums with plants above or behind them. The terestrial plants in this display however are well integrated with the entire display. There is a flow from the above water areas to those below the water. The plant growth under water is the best we have seen so the owner has clearly figured out how to light it adequately.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 120 × 50 cm
Title My dreaming paradise
Volume 300L
Background Backgroungd in water: polystyrene board made as bark texture .
Above water :Beteewn the tank and the stone wall I built a 9CM deep x21cm high x115cm width plastic shelf where I put natural barks as background and together put 8 seperated amazon woods which have water drops flowing to hold plants alive.Beteewn the woods have volcanic small rocks and sand as substrate.Inside the tank at the water level there us a glass border of 8cm,I also use 3 sides of it to put some woods and plants on them to made a "paradise" feel lake.
Lighting 2x150w hqi direct shining,and 2 extra from left and right side
Filtration 2 out-side filtre (tetra ex120)for fitration: underwater, 1 internal filtre to pump water 55cm high above water providing water flowing and natural nutrients to the plants above water.
Plants underwater plants
1(紅柳)Ammannia gracilis
2 (莫絲)Vesicularia dubyana
3(珍珠草)Hemianthus micranthemoides
4(紅蝴)Rotala macronlica
5(日本簣藻)Blyxa japonica
6 (湖柳)Hygrophila lacustris
8(紅唇丁香) Ludwigia sp form Genia
9(鐵皇冠)Microsorium pteropus
10(綠尾松) Mayaca fluviatilis
11(香香草)Hydrocotyle leucocephala
12(鹿角矮珍珠)Ranunculus papulentus
13(矮珍珠)Glossostigma elatinoides
15(細葉鐵皇冠)Microsorium pteropus ssp
16(大水芹)Cerpteris cornuta
17(虎耳草)Bacopa caroliniana
18(印度小圓葉)Rotala indica
19(紫荷根) nuphar lutea var.
20(雪花草)Hottonia inflate`

above water
1 (水車前)Ottelia alismoides
2(蕨)various ferns e.g.(鳳尾蕨)pteris mutifida 3(田字草)Marsilea minuta
4(薛荔)Ficus pumila
5(天胡荽)Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
6(白鶴芋/白掌)Spathiphyllum --white
8(武竹)Asparagus densiflorus
9(野芋)Alocasia odora
10(鐵線蕨)Adiantum capillus-veneris
11(藍星花)Bule daze Oxypetalum caeruleum
12(紅姬鳳梨)Cryptanthus acaulis
13(紅掌) Anthurium andraeaum
14(紫竹梅)Setcreasea purpureaBoom(PurpleSetcreasea)
16(烏蕨)Stenoloma chusanum
17(棉紅斑葉毬蘭)Hoya carnosa

Animals fishes
12 (紅連燈)Paracheirodon axelrodi
a drozen( 小精靈) Otocinclus affinis
4(黑線飛狐E) Palzeorhinchus siamensis
6(粉紅旗) Hyphessobrycon hyphessobrycon sp.
10 small golden carp
various small species shrimps
Materials under-water 8 cm thick ada 2nd generation black soil underwater,
20 cm width Ada bright sand decorate as stream,6 amazon woods to have mosses and plant on them, 15 small rocks decorated as border of the white stream.
Additional Information flowing water in the tank do supply enough moisture for 90 percent of the plants above water(either flowing under the substrates or drops by drops by small pipe)
I only use Ada water-plants fertilizer,so there do not have any Algae problems for more than have a year.
Only a several plants need extra care for watering.
Because I use the inner border of the tank ( just at water level)to keep plants above water ,there is shadow at behind in the tank ,I have to put water plants need little light at back.But look down from the top, it have a lake side-feel.
co2 system with bubbles 5-7/sec

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