#143: 260L Paludarium Boyola

Carlos Melin Horcades Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Very interesting set-up and a wonderful home for your little snakes. Your plant "shelf" on the right is unusual and makes you look twice to see what is going on. The plants are all in beautiful condition.
— Karen Randall
This layout also has a problem of underwater plants. Terrestrial plants arrangement needs more ingenuity.
— Takashi Amano

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 65 cm
Title Boyola
Volume 260L
Background Mirror.
Lighting Day light.
60W gro lux
30W arcadia
in built fluorecent light in the trays
and a lot of daylight.
Filtration biological and mechanical
Plants The water plants are: graminea, amazonenses, microssorium, annubia nana, hygrophila polysperma. The "dry" plants are found in the jungle near my house. Ferns, mosses, baby palm heart trees,microssorium,nana,Jawa moss, etc.
Animals tanichthys albonudes for food,
helicops carinecauda,
liophis miliares.
Materials driftwood, rocks, etc.

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