Dimensions 80 × 40 × 45 cm
Title Summer explosion
Volume 140L
Lighting 4 x 39W T5 6500 °K -- 10 houre for day.
Filtration Hydor 20 type.
Plants Cryptocoryne balansae,Cryptocoryne Parva,Cryptocoryne brown,Cryptocoryne undulata,Elecharis vivipara, Eleocharis acicularis, Glossostigma elatinoides,Microsorum pteropus arrows,Anubias barteri nana,Anubias barteri.
Animals 20 paracheidon innesi, 3 Rasbora heteromorfa, 20 Caridinia japonica.
Materials Power sand special S, Amazonia, turmaline bc, bacter 100.
Additional Information All line Seachem.
There's a quite satisfying balance between the visual weight of the left side to the right.
Adding straighter stems to the deep left back corner might have toned down the abundance of swirling lines.