Dimensions 60 × 30 × 68 cm
Title My Aquatic Garden
Volume 65L
Background Blue Painted
Lighting 2x 55w AH CF. Total 110w
Filtration Eheim 2213 external canister
Plants Flame moss, Peacock moss, Glossostigma, Blyxa japonica, Riccia, Rotala - green, wallichii & macranda, Java - narrow & wendelov, Didiplis diandra, Cryptocoryne wendtii & willisii, Micranthenum umbrosum, Mayaca, Tonina.
Animals 16 Cardinal tetras, 8 Rummynose tetras, 4 Skull Ck Maccullochi, 4 M.Praecox, 2 Dwarf Gourami, 3 Otocinclus, 2 Striped Kuhli loaches, 9 Red Cherry Shrimp
Materials Seachem flourite, 2 pieces of driftwood and river stones.
Additional Information Pressurised Co2, EI dosing, 50% weekly water change. Tank underwent a major rescape 10th August 2008.
Your fish in of themselves are lovely but their sheer abundance size and variety disconnect them from their surroundings.
Hone your plant organizing and trimming skills and your aquascape will improve.