#64: 67L Aquatic Garden Pinheiro Manso - Pinus Pinea

Filipe Alves Oliveira Porto, Portugal


Excellent execution of a not-too-innovative design idea... The rocks on the right appear a little out of place with their varying texture and colour and the centre rock under the 'tree' is distracting due to its almost 'square' shape. These are minor points though in what is a beautiful aquascape. Very well done!
— George Farmer
I don't know if this is the same "tree" we saw last year or a similar one. But it is very well done. The rest of the aquascape isn't quite as strong though.
— Karen Randall
A very unique composition attracting viewers' attention with a scene of one large tree. It would be more tasteful if more aquatic plants had been arranged under the tree. When composing an area of an aquarium where aquatic plants hardly grow abundantly because of the limited amount of light that reaches in we need to be more creative. Placing some flat stones or creating a path under the tree could make this layout little more interesting.
— Takashi Amano

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 55 × 35 × 35 cm
Title Pinheiro Manso - Pinus Pinea
Volume 67L
Background I used a white lamp on the back reflected on the wall
Lighting 3x24w T5 6.500k
9h day
Filtration Aquaclear 25
Plants Eleocharis parvula, Utricularia graminifolia and Singapore moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
Animals Otocinclus sp, Boraras maculatus and Iriatherina werneri
Materials Red Moorwood, DIY from 3 branches of wood and Schist rocks
Additional Information Fertilization: Elos Fase1, Fase2, Extra1 and K40 by Elos */* Schedule program:
Fase2 (on Mon, Wed and Fri) / Fase1 + K40 (on Tue and Thur) / Extra1 + K40 (on Sat) with 0.5ml of each product */* Substrate: Elos bottom mineral, Elos Terra zero, Elos Terra natural soil small grain (12L) */* CO2: Elos Set ECO, pressurized 1.5bps

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