Dimensions 60 × 34 × 48 cm
Title pisces lagoon
Volume 70L
Background painted black cardboard
Lighting 61 watts t5.12 hrs a day
Filtration three stage fitration built into hood
Plants java fern,windelov fern,riccia,Bolbitis heudelotii.
Animals neon tetra,red tail shark,siamese algae eater,siamese fighter,german blue ram
Materials black substrate,stones,driftwood
Additional Information diy co2 every three to four days,liquid fertilise some days
Tou would find that you didn't need to replace your yeast reactor so often if you weren't blowing off all the CO2 with the airstone in the back... air stones don't belong in planted aquariums; your plants if healthy provide all the oxygen your fish need! Also plese make sure your glass is clean before taking shots for competitions.