#87: 9L Aquatic Garden Tiny scape

Eugen Leontie Suceava, Romania


Lovely lush growth! This layout would look better as a triangular composition I feel with little or no planting to the left - rather than the impressive mass of Rotala and hairgrass. The focal element of the mound with the Java fern almost looks like an after thought. A narrower but more mature fern would have complemented the finer textures of the remainder of the layout.
— George Farmer
Pretty little tank which will improve when the Rotala has grown in a bit more. The Java fern is likely to get much too big for this small tank but for now it looks nice.
— Karen Randall
Does the rock represent a huge ledge overlooking a valley or is it a small stone nestled in an open field? None of the other elements give a hint as to the scale.
Make a dicision and the rest of the "scape will fall into place.
— Bob Vivian

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 15 × 20 cm
Title Tiny scape
Volume 9L
Lighting 2x13W power compact fluorescent
Filtration whisper hang on filter
Plants Eleocharis parvula, Fissidens Fontanus, Utricularia Graminifolia, Java Fern, Rotala Rotundifolia
Animals Neocaridina sp.
Materials ADA Amazonia substrate
Additional Information Yeast CO2, Seachem Iron, Excel, Flourish

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