Dimensions 80 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Rio Caurés, Igarapé Cajarí,
Afluente do Rio Negro, Barcelos, Amazonas, Brasil.
Volume 128L
Background black paper
Lighting Fluorescent Lamps 1x10w
Filtration 700 L / H pump with side sump
Plants Rotalas
Animals Carnegiella strigata,
Nannostomus beckfordi,Nannostomus unifasciatus,Paracheirodon axelrodi,Hemigrammus rhodostomus,
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, apistogramas,Dicrossus filamentosus
Materials Leaves and branches of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.)
Goiabeira (Psidium guajava) and Jaqueiras (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Easily found in areas of the Amazon jungle, when flooded its fruit serves as food for fish.
I also added coconut fiber to simulate the sandy bottom of this stream.
Additional Information The Rio Negro is the second largest river in South America, with many tributaries. Among them the Rio Caurés which is near Barcelos.
It is located on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 405 km from Manaus (656 km by waterway).The temperature is about 23 ° C, the pH of the water is about 6 ph. During the dry season starts around May 29 and lasts 03 months, ending around September 6, the water level is reduced and warmer, the water temperature is about 28-30 ° C. Due to the low water level and the large amount of leaves and branches, the water contains a large concentration of tannins, which adds a dark color as "tea color" and the pH of the water is low and is about 3.8 and 4 , 9. This high acidity is due to the presence
of large quantities of dissolved organic
drainage of sandy soils. Therefore, from the point of view of ecological constraints,
regions of the rivers of black water are usually associated with podozoic soils,
more fragile regions of the Amazon.
Nutrient poverty of blackwater rivers influences the life of fish
if they sustain themselves, they obtain most of their diet of organic matter from
rivers (various types of insects, fruits, flowers, leaves and