#256: 272L Aquatic Garden beyond the chaos lies a paradise

Rahul Mukherjee KOLKATA, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 54 × 42 cm
Title beyond the chaos lies a paradise
Volume 272L
Background none.
Lighting 45x3 watts led on for 10 hrs a day
Filtration 2x1400 lph filtered externally
Plants fissidens sp,hemianthus sp,bucephalandras,ludwigia sp super red,myriophyllum mattogrossense,hydrocotyle sp,ludwigia arcuata,cryptocoryne parva,vesicularia sp,rotala vietnam
Animals paracheirodon axelrodi,rasbora trilineata,neocaridina sp,otocinclus sp
Materials driftwood and rocks used in the aquascape.
Additional Information daily dosing,chiller st at 25 deg C to counteract summer temperatures

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