#332: 272L Aquatic Garden To the highlands of a dream

Rahul Mukherjee KOLKATA, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 54 × 42 cm
Title To the highlands of a dream
Volume 272L
Background none except white screen
Lighting 3x45 watts full spectrum led for 10 hrs a day
Filtration 2x1400 lph externally filtered
Plants hemianthus callitrichoides,hemianthus micranthemoides,fissidens fontanus,fissidens nobilis,fissidens miroshaki,bucephalandrasrotala hra,rotala wayanad,rotala mini butterfly,eleocharis acicularis,taxiphyllum sp,vesicularia sp,microsorum sp,ludwigia arcuata,hydrocotyle sp,limnophila vietnam
Animals paracheirodon simulans,corydoras sp,neocaridina davidii,otocinclus sp
Materials hardscape with ryuoh stones,la plata sand
Additional Information pH-6.7,TDS OF 50,water temperature controlled via chiller

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