#300: 144L Biotope Aquascape Near the igarapé Puxurituba, Rio Negro, city Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil

Flavio Henard Jorge de Freitas Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 45 × 40 cm
Title Near the igarapé Puxurituba, Rio Negro, city Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil
Volume 144L
Background Wallpaper black contact
Lighting 70W LED
Filtration Eheim Ecco Pro 550 L/H
Plants Due to the low luminosity of the site and the presence of too much humic acid by the leaves and decaying materials, the water ph is very acidic, leading to no plants occurring on the site.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi and Hemigrammus rhodostomus
Materials Trunks, driftwoods, sticks and dry leaves
Additional Information This is a representation of the streams of the middle portion of the Rio Negro, in the vicinity of Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil. Its waters have acidic characteristics (with low pH), yellowish water by the decomposition of leaves and trunks deposited in its bottom, especially when there is a shortage of rain, forming streams and making these characteristics even more visible.
  It is located at the coordinates S 0 ° 54'2.0016 "W62 ° 42'6.9984", water temperature around 28 ° C, p 5.4, Conductivity 18us / cm and 2 mg / l dissolved oxygen.


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