Dimensions 76 × 36 × 36 cm
Title Sanctuary
Volume 96.3L
Background black sticker
Lighting 3 pcs Aquarium supplies LED series bracket aquarium light 20 Watts
Filtration DIY canister type filter
Plants 1. Potamogeton dentatus
2. Pogostemon stellata
3. Hygrophila corymbosa "stricta"
4. Vallisneria nana
5. Rotala rotundifolia
6. Ludwigia repens "rubin"
7. Hydrocotyle tripartita
8. Bacopa caroliniana
9. Echinodorus tenellus
10. Cryptocoryne wendtii brown
Animals 15 Paracheirodon innesi (1 Paracheirodon axelrodi mixed in with the batch)
20 Hyphessobrycon amandae
20+ Red cherry shrimps
Materials None
Additional Information Fertilizer - APT complete
Substrate - Terra Activa 8 liter (2X)
DIY CO2 (Baking soda + Citric acid) at 2-3 bps
Could score it even higher if the street of tripartata would make it all the way to the back wall and "disappear" there.
I am also not a big fan of the way the Rrotala on right is grouped. But overall: very well done!
The Hydrocotyle street feels stuffed and too tall. Ideally the street should narrow and disappear behind another plant or piece of wood. Without the disappearing street the viewer is left with a broad cul-de-sac.
A little more trimming would help as the tank feels packed to the brim.
The LED is blue-heavy which gives it a high tech appearance rather than the warm hues of a traditional Dutch tank.
The mound of Rotala rotundifolia is too big to be in the foreground and the shape too dominant and therefore conflicting.
Similarly the hyper-dominance of the red Ludwigia takes away from the rest of the tank - perhaps too much of a good thing.