Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Rise
Volume 60L
Background DOOA Mat
Lighting ADA Aquasky
Filtration Eheim Professionel
Plants Selaginellas, Tectaria Hilocarpa, Ulmus Parvifolia, Drosera Adelae, Solanum sp. Ecuador, Ficus Scandens, Ficus Pumila var. Minuta, Marcgravia sp., Sphagnum moss, Utricularia Graminifolia, Fissidens sp., Riccardia Chamedryfolia, Pyrrosia sp., Microsorum Thailandicum, Bolbitis sp., Anubias Pinto, Anubias sp., Bucephalandra sp., Pogostemon Helferi, Juncus Repens, Hemiantus Callitrichoides, Elaphoglossum Peltatum, Begonia sp.,
Animals 2 Neocaridina, 3 Caridina Japonica
Materials Elderly stones, Africana soil, Jungle soil, La Plata sand
The hardscape appears as a wall of sorts preventing the viewer from gazing further into it disallowing any sense of depth to occur within the scape above the surface.
Once below the submerged focal point is met with pleasant illumination from the distance. Unfortunately this illumination gives light to detached Microsorum sp. leaves and Anubias sp. that do not benefit the sense of depth.
Overall while static and difficult to gather depth from this display still is successful in providing an overwhelming sense of mood from the greenery that drapes nearly every inch of it so caringly. Well-done.