Dimensions 36 × 25 × 25 cm
Title Ficus on the Hill
Volume 20L
Background Black tint
Lighting 2 x 18 watts OSRAM Daylight (6500K) compact flourescent lamps
Filtration DIY canister filter
Plants Background - Hygrophila corymbosa "Thai stricta", Mid-ground - Pogostemon helferi "Downoi", Eriocaulon sp., Foreground - Eleocharis acicularis mix with Glossostigma sp.
Animals 20 Rasboras, 5 Cardinals and 50+ red cherry shrimps
Materials I used clay substrate with sand toppings for my substrate and three rocks for my hardscape.
Additional Information I fertilize with CO2 (2-3bps) and sera florennete with iron (5ml) every other day.
This aquascape attempts to create a Ficus forest on top of the hill with gentle slopes. In this layout i attempted to apply bonsai technique using H. corymbosa (Thai stricta)resulting to the production of buttress roots on the nodes and with smaller leaf size (regular trimming like bonsai art). I believe that Bonsai technique can be applied to aquatic plants and will add new dimension in enjoying this hobby as well.
Zen offers very specific guidelines for the placement of hardscape and the relationship of stones to each other. This layout would have benefitted greatly if the hardscape had been better placed and had played a more prominent role.
Also consider the power of "negative (empty) space" as a definer of planting areas and as a provider of a focal point.